David was making a point to us over dinner and drinks, and at the end of his sentence, he remarked, “Period. Full stop.”
Jeff laughed out loud, put down his beer, and replied, “Did you just use the term ‘full stop’? As in, telegram language – ‘full stop’?
David smiled at him and laughed. “I don’t know. Did I?”
Sylvana is a born-and-raised Southern California girl from LA. David is a native of Connecticut. She comes from a large, boisterous family. He comes from an intimate and proper background. She wears Uggs and fur jackets. He prefers boat shoes and tweed.
If you’re thinking in opposites like I am, then that is exactly what these two are – opposites. But that is also why they are so perfect for each other.
David is a New Englander to his core with a boyish smile and a sweet heart. He doesn’t realize how much he talks in professor-type language and how his Connecticut charm bleeds through everything he does. For Sylvana, his proper demeanor mixed with his genuine heart is exactly why she fell in love with him. He is completely authentic, insanely intelligent, and laugh out loud funny. Sylvana is an ambitious soul working her way through residency at Columbia, and these two smarty-pants met while studying at Yale. There is no question that they fit together like peanut butter and jelly – different in their ingredients, but oh-so-delicious when they come together.
Period. Full stop.
Jeff and I met up with these two current New Yorkers while we were in the city to photograph their engagement session at Grand Central Station – a place that they both adore. It was such a treat to capture these two in a city that means so much to them, and we simply can’t wait for this coming spring for their wedding in San Diego!
David and Sylvana: Ummmm, can we photograph you guys every week?? Our time together was seriously funsies, and I’m down to do this again and again and again. Thank you for your genuine smiles and your willingness to be completely yourselves in front of our cameras! Hold down the city for us until we’re able to come back for more drinks. Until then…