Welcome back to Part Two of Josh and Kate’s San Francisco engagement session. This session was all about two things – the fabulousness of Josh and Kate and their life in San Francisco. Kate picked out Mill Valley for it’s warm and rich surroundings, and we had so much fun running around in the trees!


After skipping around Mill Valley, we made a quick stop at an outlook that Kate and Josh had found for some rad views of the city and the Golden Gate bridge.

Then we made our way to the more well-known outlook right next to the bridge. The only drawback – it was WINDY. Major props go out to Kate for making the walk out there!

Once we came off of the bridge, we made our final stop in Kate’s old neighborhood around Fillmore street. This is where Kate fell in love with San Francisco and lived some of the most memorable years of her life.

Kate also wore the black version of her Grazia Valentines that she’ll wear at their wedding in Cabo San Lucas. I love when our brides splurge on a great pair of heels! It adds so much glamour and sass to the images!

I just love Kate’s beautiful eyes.

These next ones are favorites!

What a perfect way to end the perfect session!

Josh and Kate: You guys rock our sock off! Cabo can’t get here fast enough, and in the meantime we’re going to find any excuse we can get to come up to San Francisco! You guys had better be prepared, cuz we’ll be bunking up with Kylie and Camden soon! Love, love, love you guys!