I just love Nick and Melissa’s engagement session at Santa Fe Christian High School in Solana Beach. Once we made our way through the buildings and lockers, we headed down to the football field with little Chloe tagging along!

This is definitely my favorite series of the session!

How cute is Melissa??

And how handsome is Nick?

Nick was a star basketball player, so he brought along his own piece of high school and college memories.

Love it!

Cloe is so cute!

I think this just may be my favorite.

Cute, cute and more cute! They just don’t stop!

Ha! You can’t see it here, but Chloe was racing around in huge circles all around the field. It was hysterical! We finally caught her when she collapsed!

We couldn’t help but tuck into the gym (AKA Nick’s stomping grounds). Love it!

Nick and Melissa: You guys are so sweet and fun, and we are so excited for your wedding in just a few weeks! It’s going to be an absolute BLAST! We can’t wait!