When I laugh, I feel beautiful. I feel like I’ve been given permission to be that free little girl I was meant to be. Or that classy, elegant woman that I want to be. Or that nerdy, neurotic person that I am.
When I laugh, I feel like life will be ok. That it is ok. That there’s goodness and peace wrapped up around me like a soft sweater just out of the dryer. It’s so simple, but it’s so relaxing.
When I laugh, I feel loved. Like I’m giving myself a big, warm, impulsive bear hug just because I can.
Jeff is gone for the weekend, and when I was crawling into bed alone last night, I realized that Jeff always makes me laugh when we’re going to bed. He tries something different every night, but it always works. And I always feel beautiful.
Jeff is coming home later today and I’m so excited to give him a monstrous bear hug at the airport. Even though he’s only been gone for the weekend, Gracie and I miss him bunches. In the meantime, to make this Monday a little less Monday-ish, here’s a sneaky-peek of Chris and Dena’s engagement session in San Juan Capistrano, coming to the bloggy-blog later this week.