A few things you should know about Singapore:
(1) Its shockingly modernized. And shockingly western. On the corner across from us, there is a Borders, Starbucks, McDonalds, Burger King, Dairy Queen, Marriott, and a full-on McCafe bistro, a separate outdoor coffee house that’s built on McDonald’s new line of coffee drinks, the McCafes. Its actually pretty good.
(2) If you plan to start a business here, you should consider the escalator business. Which is my way of saying that there are a lot of escalators here. There is something like 600 shops in 30 different shopping malls crammed along Orchard Road, the enormous world-class shopping district in which we are staying with Jeff’s parents. Each of these gigantic vertical malls has at least five or six stories of shopping, each connected by complex networks of tunnels and escalators that are meant to daze and confuse the beans out of people/me. Do the math. Its a lot of moving staircases. Just to cross the street, we have to go through an underground tunnel and use somewhere around four escalators. I’m still not sure. I think we’ve spent an 1/8 of our life here just standing on a striped metal stair looking very confused as to where we are and if we should have gotten on the other escalator ten feet away. They are serious about their vertical movement here in Singapore. Just keep that in mind. And bring your walking shoes. You’ll need them for standing while moving at the same time.
(3) Its clean. Real clean. Its the only place where I have seriously considered eating off of the sidewalk just to prove that it can be done.
(4) You will be fined 5 to 100 Singapore dollars for spitting on the sidewalks. I’m trying to figure out if eating off of the sidewalk counts as the same thing…

In case you noticed, there will be no Recipe Sunday today, but it will return as scheduled next Sunday, I promise! Until then, enjoy some non-moving staircases for us.