Jeff and I only have a week left in Asia, so what are we doing? We’re sleeping. And eating. And then napping. You know, before we go to bed again.
Don’t judge. We’re on vacation people.
In the middle of all of this extreme laziness, though, we have built up enough gumption to pull ourselves out of our Singapore coma and spend a few days in Kuala Lumpur, which is just a few hours north of us in Malaysia. We’ve decided to live it up in style for this last “hurrah” of a trip, so we booked a fancy schmancy hotel with a real flushing toilet and everything. This means that instead of packing a backpacker’s pack, we’re packing our rolling suitcase – we’re so posh, I know – and I’m finally packing the heels that I brought with me all the way from America and haven’t worn yet. Which has surprised even me. But just try walking around Singapore for one day and you’ll write off heels too, I promise.
Which makes me wonder, is it weird that the thing I miss most about America is that I’ll get to wear something other than my Rainbows? If I start wearing heels to the beach when I get home, just know that I need a little time… it’ll pass…
So we’re sleeping and eating and napping until it’s time for our last trip in Southeast Asia, but here’s a few images from my absolute favorite two hours of my entire life – riding and bathing with elephants in Kanchanaburi, Thailand. This first one is our buddy, Josh, riding the elephant ahead of us. The second is me loving life way too much, AKA feeding an elephant a banana. I was so happy, I think I cried. And I’m being dead serious. I’m pretty sure Jeff got it on video, but that video somehow disappeared. Weird.
