Question: Should I be concerned that I’ve seen every episode of Friends like ten times?
For me, Friends is one of those guilty pleasures that just never gets old. When I have the rare opportunity to embrace my inner-homebody, I’ll pop in my favorite seasons, tuck myself in with Gracie, a blanket, and a cup of Chai and settle in for an evening with my favorite episodes.
I know I’m not alone in my love for Friends marathons – at least, I hope I’m not…
What do I love about Friends? I love that it tells stories that get wrapped up in your heart strings and just won’t let go. I love that it’s so well written that it still makes me laugh during weekend marathons and late night re-runs. I love that the characters still make me smile and even though I know all the jokes, I still can’t wait to hear them one more time.
And now that I write this, I realize just how neurotic this is making me sound…
But I also love how Jeff knows that Friends makes me laugh. He definitely doesn’t share the same level of affection for the show as I do, but he’ll sit and watch with me because he loves that Ross makes me laugh the hardest and that Chandler will always be my favorite character because he reminds me of myself. He loves that I can explain every detail about what’s going to happen next after Rachel gets pregnant and Monica does her funky dance. It’s not so much a Friends watching party, as it is a watch-Erin-watching-Friends kind of party.
Next question: Where can I get help for this – um – obsession?