southeast asia
Casa de Youngren

Riding the MRT

I rode my first subway system in Washington DC when I was eight years old, and I can only imagine what my mother went through as she pulled this wide-eyed Idaho farm child through the underground tunnels of a big city. I remember clutching my disposal camera and...

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Casa de Youngren


If you ever come to Singapore, you have to see Chinatown. Its like The Great Gatsby - you're forced to read it in high school and groan when the teacher mentions it, but you secretly love it and spend weeks upon weeks preparing your final project on the...

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Casa de Youngren

Singapore Skyline

On our first official day after arriving here in Singapore, Jeff and I took a boat tour along one of the bays with a magnificent view of the city skyline. I know, a boat tour. Yes, we were tourists. Yes, we had cameras. And yes, we were definitely the only white...

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Casa de Youngren

Four things…

A few things you should know about Singapore: (1) Its shockingly modernized. And shockingly western. On the corner across from us, there is a Borders, Starbucks, McDonalds, Burger King, Dairy Queen, Marriott, and a full-on McCafe bistro, a separate outdoor coffee...

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Casa de Youngren

We're here…

We made it. We're alive and kicking. We lost a day, but we're ok with that. We survived jetlag. We survived customs.  And so far, we've survived the humidity. So far. The Youngrens are officially in Singapore. Jeff and I arrived at midnight on Monday night...

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