Welcome back to Part Two of Stefan and Ivette’s classic engagement session at UCLA where Jeff and I felt like two-year-olds in a giant bounce house – too excited to be considered healthy. As you already know from Part One, Stefan and Ivette define gorgeous. In fact, I’m pretty sure their pictures are listed in the dictionary next to “too hot for one’s own good.” Ruby reds lips, a puffy little black dress, and a tailored suit – that’s what I like to call, HAWT.
Stefan & Ivette: When you say that your wedding is going to be a party, I kind of believe you. Because the two of you are a party to be with that’s for sure! Thanks for laughing with us, photo bombing with us, and just plain hanging out with us. I’m so glad your wedding is coming up soon, because it would be absolute torture waiting to see you again! Love you lots!