We listened to the warm Kauai rain pour down over our lanai and dined on a midwest dinner of pork chops and potatoes – paying homage to Jeff’s grandmother who still lives in Minneapolis. Hawaiian Christmas music floated from the living room out into our little party of four.
Jeff and I honeymooned on Kauai ten years ago, Jeff’s parents honeymooned here 42 years ago, and earlier this month, the four of us went back to this magical little island to celebrate all that has happened since.
And over our Minnesota dinner (paired with Mai Tai’s – of course), I asked Jeff’s parents question after question after question about what their life looked like in the first fifteen years of marriage. Why did they move from their friends and life in Seattle to go back home to Minneapolis when they got married? What did life look like while Gina flew around the country as a flight attendant and Ron changed careers? How did that feel to be a woman in the 70’s supporting the family?
I asked about their journey from Minneapolis to Salt Lake City to Southern California, and wondered what it was like for Gina to retire from flying after 16 years to raise her two boys.
And then we all talked about what it means to stand on the shoulders of the previous generation.
Jeff and I are so lucky that we have two amazing people in Ron and Gina to stand upon and learn from. Their wisdom, experience, kindness, and generosity have lifted us up over and over again and helped us step into the life we live now and the dreams we are constantly chasing after.
Which is why it was so special to take this trip together and revisit all of our memories from BOTH 2006 and 1974!
Jeff and I casually documented most of our time together on Instagram and our InstaStory, but I also totally LOVE the images we made on our outings together with our 5D. The colors of Kauai are just AH-mazing!!
We did a day trip to Waimea Canyon (which was even more beautiful than I remembered! The COLORS. YES!), and then we drove to the end of the road on the southwest side of the island to visit Barking Sands beach (my favorite place on the island!) where we did a fun little photo shoot of Jeff’s parents.
Enjoy my favorite little highlights of this magical trip!