I never get sick. Never. The last time I got sick was two years ago when I was laid flat by strep throat. But this past week, I came down with another sore throat plus an upper chest-cough-thing, so Jeff dusted off the medicine cabinet and set me up in our “sick spot” on the corner of the couch with a tray table of water, meds, and Kleenex to spend the day in and out of sleep and Friends episodes.
And you know how they say that laughter is the best medicine? Well, in this case it really wasn’t. Every time Jeff made me so much as giggle I would be thrown into a fit of laughter/coughing/full-body-convulsions that felt like the depths of my lungs were being turned inside out while drowning in a pool of fire.
No bueno.
So when I was trying NOT to laugh during my horrible day of being sickly, I realized just how much we do laugh together. For example, Jeff is one of those guys that gets a kick out of trying new over the counter meds, so he found this bottle of liquid at the drug store that you spray into the back of your throat to numb the pain. It’s like the stuff that dentists use, only it tastes a little better and you don’t get a free toothbrush at the end.
This liquid was my nemesis and my angel. It felt like heaven in a bottle when I felt the fiery burn in the back of my throat disappear into nothingness. But the first few times I used it, I completely missed my throat with the spray and ended up numbing my lips and tongue, so I sounded like a one-year-old smoker with a lisp blubbering her first words. We couldn’t stop laughing. It hurt. A lot.
But honestly, when Jeff just smiles at me when I start coughing uncontrollably out of the awful depths of my lungs, I know that I wouldn’t want anyone else taking care of me, no matter how painful the healing process may be. I mean, who else would not get totally grossed out by the stuff coming out of my nose every two minutes and rub my back while forcing me to gargle yet another glass of warm of salt water? And who else would brush my piles of used Kleenexes into the garbage and keep a bowl of warm soup on my tray table at all times?
That’s true love people.