I feel disappointed dear bloggy blog. It’s been one of those weeks…
There really isn’t a big reason for it. People close to us have made comments – nothing terrible, but enough for my mind to shift into overdrive with overanalyzing. We received some news that made us feel discouraged. It should have felt like good news, but for some odd reason, it just didn’t. We’re tired. We haven’t slept well due to stress and jetlag. We caught colds…
It’s just been one of those weeks.
I remember hearing a saying back in college. When you’re feeling down or cranky, just remember the word H.A.L.T. Check yourself if you’re feeling Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. Don’t make big decisions, don’t say things you’ll regret, just take a look into yourself and see if it’s simply one of those four very basic emotions.
So I decided to stop working and do what I usually do when I’m feeling a little down or discouraged. I put on some John Mayer and I cook something. It doesn’t matter what I’m making, as long my mind is engrossed in the smell of roasting peppers or fresh lemons or spicy noodles. Just as long as the only thing I can hear is the music and the sizzling of the pan, then I won’t hear my own thoughts that tell me I’m no good. That I’ll never make it in this business. That I’m not good enough. That we’ve got everything all wrong.
But I know that these feelings and these thoughts will pass. That it’s ok to feel down every once in a while. Discouragement and exhaustion are pretty common risks when you’re in this kind of business. So I just keep cooking, I pour some wine for two, and we sit down next to each other at the table, hold each other close, and count our blessings that we have each other. And even if the discouragement takes a few days to disappear, I know that at the end of the day I can always cook and we will always be holding each other close over a meal for two.
And suddenly, I don’t feel so discouraged anymore.