To me, the most powerful words in the English language are “me too.” They mean that I’m not alone. That I’m not entirely crazy. That I’m ok, and that I can survive.
That in so many ways, I’m completely normal.
So whatever it is that you may be feeling right now, I’m pretty sure I’ve felt it too. And every time I knock my head against the keyboard, I have to remember that others are probably doing the same thing all across the internet. In a world that is so connected, it’s easy to feel more alone than ever, particularly for someone shy like me. I have a tough time reaching out to others and asking, “Have you ever felt this way?”
But when I do, the reward is priceless.
Just to wet your appetite, here’s a sneak peek for what’s coming up on the bloggy blog in the next few days – the absolutely adorable Phillips family. There’s a LOT more cuteness to come from these guys so we’ll see you right back here tomorrow!
