Brides, lovers, fellow Anthro-addicts – the day has finally come. I thought it would never happen. But I woke up this morning to an email that read….
“What if Anthropologie did Weddings?”
Shuuuuuuuuut up!! It’s brilliant. Sheer genius. I want to kiss whoever does the email marketing over at Anthropologie headquarters/heaven (sorry sweetie). Maybe that way I can glean just a little bit of the pure magic that rolls out of their heads with every single advertisement that I receive from them. I mean, their brains must be made of fluffy puppies and cotton candy, because I get warm fuzzies all up in my insides and I can hardly contain myself when a new message comes through (thanks Gretchen for that phrase on Facebook – I’m a total plagiarizer). And this, my friends, has been a long time coming…
Anthropologie Unveils Wedding Line with BHLDN, February 14th.
So to our 2011 brides, I will be that THING clapping and squealing on your wedding day if you decide to take Anthro up on their offer. And to all of our fabulous grooms out there that are wondering where you’re Valentine’s date went… just check your local mall.
Happy shopping!